Signs of Qayamat (Day of Resurrection)
قيامت كي علامات
ابوالیمان، شعیب، ابوالزناد،
عبدالرحمن، ابوہریرہ رضی ﷲ تعالیٰ عنہ روایت کرتے ہیں کہ نبی صلی ﷲ علیہ وآلہ وسلم
نے فرمایا کہ قیامت اس وقت تک قائم نہ ہوگی جب تک
علم اٹھا نہ لیا جائے گا، اور زلزلے کثرت سے ہوں گے، اور زمانہ ایک دوسرے کے قریب
ہوگا، اور فتنہ وفساد ظاہر ہوگا، اور ہرج کی کثرت ہوگی، ہرج سے مراد قتل ہے قتل،
یہاں تک کہ تم میں مال بہت زیادہ ہوجائے گا اس طرح کہ بہتا پھرے گا، اور لینے والا
کوئی نہ ہوگا۔
The Prophet said, "The
Hour (Last Day) will not be established until (religious) knowledge will be
taken away (by the death of religious learned men), earthquakes will be very
frequent, time will pass quickly, afflictions will appear, murders will increase
and money will overflow amongst you
The Prophet Muhammad (Salallaho Alaihi Wassallam) foretold 72 signs that would appear near Doomsday:
ReplyDelete1. People will leave prayer
2. People will usurp Ama'naat
3. Lying will become an art
4. There will be murders on the slightest of
5. Interest will become common
6. There will be very tall buildings
7. People will sell Religion for the world
8. People will treat relatives badly
9. Justice will become a rarity
10. Lies will be considered truth
11. Clothes will be of silk
12. Persecution will become common
13. Divorces will become common
14. Sudden deaths will increase
15. The usurper of Ama'naat will be considered honest and honourable
16. The keeper of Am'naat will be called an usurper of things given to him for safekeeping
17. Liars will be thought of as honest
18. Honest people will be thought of as liars
19. False accusations will become the norm
20. It will be hot in spite of rain
21. Instead of wishing for children, people will pray that they not have children
22. People from bad backgrounds and with bad
upbringing will live a life of luxury (material, not peaceful)
23. Good people, when they try to practice, will be cut off from the world
24. Previously good people will also usurp Ama'naat
25. Leaders will become persecutors
26. Ulema and Qaris will commit adultery
27. People will wear clothes of animal skin
28. But their hearts will smell and will be dead
29. And will be bitter
30. Gold will become common
31. Demand for Silver will increase
32. Sin will increase
33. Peace will become rare
34. Ayaats from the Quran will be decorated and calligraphy will become common
35. Mosques will be decorated
36. And will have tall minars
37. But hearts will be empty
38. Alcoholic drinks will be consumed
39. Punishments ordered by the Shariah will be revoked and will no longer be implemented
40. Women will order their mothers around
41. People who are with naked feet, naked bodies and against religion will becomekings
42. Women will trade along with men
43. Women will imitate men
44. Men will imitate women
45. People will swear by things other than Allah and the Quran
46. Even Muslims will be prepared to give false testimony, without being incited to it
47. Only people one knows will be greeted with the salaam
48. The knowledge of the shariah will be used to earn worldly things
49. Acts which earn the Akhirah, will be used to earn the world
50. Assets belonging to the nation will be considered and treated as personal treasures by the rulers
51. Ama'naat will be considered ones personal asset
52. Zakaat will be considered a penalty
53. The lowest and the worst man in the nation will become its leader
54. People will not obey their fathers
55. And will mistreat their mothers
56. And will not hold back from harming their friends
57. And will obey their wives
58. And the voices of men who commit adultery will be raised in mosques
59. Women who sing will be treated with great deference
60. Instruments of music will be kept with great care
61. Alcohol will be drunk on the highways
62. People will be proud of their acts of persecution
63. Justice will be sold in the courts
64. The number of men in the police force will increase
65. Instead of music, the Quran will be used to gain pleasure for its tune
and style (qirat), not for what it preaches, its meaning or for rewards in the Akhirah
66. Animal fur will be used
67. The last of the Ummat will curse those before them. (clearly seen today in people who call the Prophet's companion's names)
68. Either Allah will send a Red Storm upon you
69. Or Earthquakes
70. Or your faces will be changed
71. Or a rain of rocks from the skies. Asteroids, Meteors
72. Lies will become a habit of the rulers and the rich
ابو النعمان، جریربن حازم، حسن بصری، عمر بن تغلب سے روایت کرتے ہیں کہ رسول ﷲ صلی ﷲ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے فرمایا کہ من جملہ قیامت کی علامتوں کے یہ ہے کہ تم ایسے لوگوں سے جنگ کرو گے جن کے چہرے ایسے چوڑے ہونگے جیسے چوڑی ڈھالیں۔
ReplyDeleteاِنَّ السَّاعَةَ لَاٰتِيَةٌ لَّا رَيْبَ فِيْهَا وَلٰكِنَّ اَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يُؤْمِنُوْنَ 59
ReplyDeleteتحقیق قیامت آنی ہے اس میں دھوکا نہیں لیکن بہت لوگ نہیں مانتے
Certainly, the Hour is bound to come. There is no doubt in it, but most of the people do not believe.
Parah: 24 Surah: 40 Ayat: 59
ReplyDeletePast Signs
1. Splitting of the Moon.
2. Death of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
3. A form of death which will kill thousands of Muslims. (Understood to refer to the plague of Amwas during the caliphate of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab.)
4. A major fighting in Madinah (understood to refer to the battle of al-Harrah during the caliphate of Yazid, 63 AH).
5. The Muslim conquest of Jerusalem.
6. The Muslim conquest of Constantinople.
7. Two large groups of Muslims will fight in war.
8. A war between the Muslims and a reddish people with small eyes, wearing sandals made of hair (understood to refer tothe Mongol Tatar invasion of the Islamic lands.)
9. A peace agreement between the Muslims and non-Muslims from the yellow race (Chinese, Mongols, etc.)
10. Thirty impostors (dajjal) will appear, each thinking he is a prophet.
ReplyDeletePresent Signs
11. Naked, destitute, barefoot shepherds will compete in building tall buildings.
12. The slave-woman will give birth to her master or mistress.
13. A trial (fitnah) which will enter every Arab household.
14. Knowledge will be taken away (by the death of people of knowledge), and ignorance will prevail.
15. Wine (intoxicants, alcohol) will be drunk in great quantities.
16. Illegal s3x will become widespread.
17. Earthquakes will increase.
18. Time will pass more quickly.
19. Tribulations (fitan) will prevail.
20. Bloodshed will increase.
21. A man will pass by the grave of another and wish he was in the latter’s place.
22. Trustworthiness will be lost, i.e. when authority is given to those who do not deserve it.
23. People will gather for prayer, but will be unable to find an imam to lead them.
ReplyDeleteFuture Signs
24. The number of men will decrease, whilst the number of women will increase, until for every man there are 50 women.
25. The Euphrates will reveal a treasure of gold, and many will die fighting over it, each one hoping to be the one who gains the treasure.
26. The Romans (Europeans) will come to a place called A’maq or Wabiq, and an army of the best people will go forth from Madinah to face them.
27. The Muslim conquest of Rome.
28. The Mahdi (guided one) will appear, and be the Imam of the Muslims.
29. Jesus Christ will descend in Damascus, and pray behind the Mahdi.
30. Jesus will break the cross and kill the swine, i.e. destroy the false christianity.
31. The Antichrist (al-masih al-dajjal, the false christ) will appear, with all his tools of deception, and be an immense trial. He will be followed by 70,000 Jews from Isfahan (present-day Iran).
32. The appearance of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog), and the associated tribulations.
33. The emergence of the Beast from the Earth, carrying the Staff of Moses and the Seal of Solomon, who will speak to the people, telling them they did not believe with certainty in the Divine Signs.
34. A major war between the Muslims (including Jews and Christians who truly believe in Jesus after his return) led by the Imam Mahdi, and the Jews plus other non-Muslims led by the Antichrist.
35. Jesus will kill the Antichrist at the gate of Ludd (Lod in present-day Israel, site of an airport and a major Israeli military base).
36. A time of great peace and serenity during and after the remaining lifetime of Jesus.
37. Wealth will come so abundant that it will become difficult to find someone to accept charity.
38. Arabia will become a land of gardens and rivers.
39. Society will then decay.
40. The buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daws will again sway in circumambulation (tawaf) around the idol Dhul-Khulsah.
41. A great fire in the Hijaz, seen by the inhabitants of Busra.
42. Three major armies will sink into the earth: one in the east, one in the west, one in Arabia.
43. An Abyssinian leader with thin shins will destroy the Ka’bah.
44. The huge cloud of smoke.
45. The sun will rise from the west (its place of setting).
46. A gentle wind which will take the souls of the believers.
47. There is no-one left on the earth saying, "Allah, Allah" or "There is no god except Allah."
48. Eventually the Day of Judgment is established upon the worst of the people, who copulate like donkeys in public.
49. The blowing in the Trumpet by the Angel Israfil, upon which everyone will faint except as Allah wills.
50. The second blowing in the Trumpet, upon which everyone will be resurrected.
Khasf meaning that there will be three places where the earth will open up and men will be buried alive. One will be in the west, one in the east and one in Arabia.
ReplyDeleteThe knowledge of religion will disappear, meaning of Ulema(scholars of religion) will be taken away.
There will be a large exploitation of illiteracy.
There will be great use of alcohol and adultery to such a shameful extent that it will be as common as donkeys eating grass.
There will be fewer males and more females. The ratio will be fifty women compared to one man.
There will be a lot of goods.
In Arabia, there will be green scenery such as green crops, parks and streams. The streams will open its treasures and there will be mountains of gold.
Men will listen to their women and not their parents. They will stay in close contact with their friends and stay away from their parents.
There will be great use of music.
People will curse their ancestors and speak ill of them.
The wrongdoers and non-capable will be made leaders
Degraded people, who could not find cheap clothing, will own large mansion.
People will scream and shout in mosques.
To stay in islam will be so difficult as it is difficult to hold hot ash in the hand. Up till the extent that a person will go the cemetery and wish that they were in that grave.
There will be no quality in time. A year will be like a month. A month will be like a week. A week will be like a day. A day will be like as if an item has caught fire and quickly turns into ash, meaning time will go very fast.
Savage animals will speak to humans. The point of a whip and the heel of a shoe will speak and will inform you of what has happened in the home. In fact, a person’s thigh will speak and inform him of things.
The sun will rise from the west. At this point, the doors of repentance will close. One can no longer bring faith into Islam.
Except for the big “Dajjal” (impostor), there will be thirty other impostors who will all claim to be Prophets whereas in fact Prophecy has finished. There will be no other Prophet after our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha (sallal laahu alaihi wa sallam). Out of these impostors, there have already been some, for example, Mussailamma Kazzab, Taleeha Bin Khuwild, Asood Ansi, Mirza Ali Muhammad Baab, Mrza Ali hussain Baha’ullah, Mirza Gulam Ahmed Qadyani,etc. and those that are left will certainly come.
Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport;
ReplyDeletePeople will ride on saddles that aren't saddles
The distance on earth will become short;
Horses will not be used in wars;
Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul);
The Jews will gather again to live in Bilad Canaan;
Very tall buildings will be built;
The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing;
Adultery will become widespread, and the drinking of wine will become common;
The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man.
Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until no one will know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are;
Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure
People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR (THE DIVINE DECREE OF DESTINY);
Men will pass by people's graves and say: "Would that I was in his place";
The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold for which people will fight over (the river of Alfurat that lies near Syria);
Two large groups of people will fight one another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religion
Approximately 30 DAJJALS will appear, each one claiming to be the messenger of ALLAH;
Earthquakes will increase;
Time will pass quickly;
Afflictions will appear;
Killing will increase;
Wealth will increase;
Women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes
When a trust becomes a means of making profit;
When paying ZAKKAT becomes a burden;
When voices are raised in the mosque;
When the leader of a people is the worst of them; When people treat a man with respect because they that he may do;
When much wine is drunk; red wind or the earth swallow them, or to be transformed into animals."
The Quran will disappear in one night, even from the people's hearts, and no Ayyah will be left on earth.
(Some groups of old people will be left who will say: "We heard of athers' saying "LAILLAHA ILLA ALLAH" so we repeat it)
The appearance of the MAHDI;
The appearance of the DAJJAL (Anti Christ);
The appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj (biblical Gog and Magog);
Isa (Jesus) will come during the time of Dajjal;
The rising of the sun from the west;
The destruction of the Ka'ba and the recovery of its treasures;
Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport.
ReplyDeletePeople will ride on saddles that aren’t saddles (cars?)
The distance on earth will become short.
Horses will not be used in wars.
Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople(Istanbul).
The Jews will gather again to live in Bilad Canaan.
Very tall buildings will be built.
The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing.
Adultery will become widespread, and the drinking of wine will become common.
The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man.
Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until no one will know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are.
Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure (Aids?).
People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR (THE DIVINE DECREE OF DESTINY).
Men will pass by people’s graves and say: ‘Would that I was in his place’; (large amount of suicidal deaths?)
The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold for which people will fight over (the river of Alfurat that lies near Syria).
Two large groups of people will fight one another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religion (World War II?).
Approximately 30 DAJJALS will appear, each one claiming to be the
messenger of ALLAH.
Earthquakes will increase.
Time will pass quickly.
Afflictions will appear.
Killing will increase.
Wealth will increase.
Women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes.
When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor.
When a trust becomes a means of making profit.
When paying ZAKKAT becomes a burden.
When voices are raised in the mosque.
When the leader of a people is the worst of them.
When people treat a man with respect because what he may do.
When much wine is drunk; red wind or the earth swallow them, or to be transformed into animals.
THE GREATER SIGNS OF THE HOUR The Quran will disappear in one night, even from the people’s hearts, and no Ayyah will be left on earth. (Some groups of old people will be left who will say: ‘We heard of fathers’ saying ‘LAILLAHA ILLA ALLAH’ so we repeat it)
The appearance of the MAHDI.
The appearance of the DAJJAL (Anti Christ).
The appearance of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (biblical Gog and Magog).
Isa (Jesus) will come during the time of Dajjal.
The rising of the sun from the west.
The destruction of the Ka’ba and the recovery of its treasures.
The smoke.
There are many major and minor signs. Some of them are said to have been fulfilled; others obviously have not.
ReplyDeleteHadhrat Abu Musa Ash'ari (R.A.) narrates that Rasulallah said, \"Qiyamah will come...
* When it will be regarded as a shame to act on Quranic injunctions.
* When untrustworthy people will be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy.
* When it will be hot in winter (and vice versa).
* When the length of days is stretched, i.e. a journey of a few days is covered in a matter of hours.
* When orators and lecturers lie openly.
* When people dispute over petty issues.
* When women with children come displeased on account of them bearing offspring, and barren women remain happy on account of having no responsibility of offspring.
* When oppression, jealousy, and greed become the order of the day.
* When people blatantly follow their passions and whims.
* When lies prevail over the truth.
* When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common.
* When immorality overtakes shamelessness and is perpetrated publicly.
* When legislation matters pertaining to Deen is handed over to the worst elements of the Ummat, and if people accept them and are satisfied with their findings, then such persons will not smell the fragrance of Jannat.
* When the offspring become a cause of grief and anger (for their parents).
The following is part of a lengthy Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood (R.A.) when he inquired from Rasulallah about the Signs of Qiyamah.
* Music and musical instruments will be found in every home.
* People will indulge in homosexuality.
* There will be an abundance of illegitimate children.
* There will be an abundance of critics, tale-carriers, back- biters and taunters in society.
* People will establish ties with strangers and sever relations with their near and dear ones.
* Hypocrites will be in control of the affairs of the community and evil, immoral people will be at the helm of business establishments.
* The Masjid will be decorated, but the hearts of the people will be devoid of guidance.
* The courtyards of Masjids will be built beautifully and high mimbars (pulpits) will be erected.
* Gangsters and evil people will prevail.
* Various wines will be consumed excessively.
Auf bin Malik (R.A.) says: I came to Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) while he was in his skin tent during the Tabuk expedition. He said to me, \"Count six things before the advent of Qiyamah:
My death
The conquest of Jerusalem
Mass deaths amongst you people, just as when sheep die in large numbers during an epidemic
Abundance of wealth to such an extent that if a person were to be given a hundred Dinars he will still not be satisfied
General anarchy and bloodshed, that no Arab household will be spared from it
Then a life of peace as a result of a peace agreement between you and the Banil Asfaar
(Romans) which they will break and attack you with a force consisting of eighty flags and under each flag will be an army of twelve thousand men.\" (Hadith: Sahih Bukhari).
1. Splitting of the Moon.
ReplyDelete2. Death of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
3. A form of death which will kill thousands of Muslims. (Understood to refer to the plague of Amwas during the caliphate of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab.)
4. A major fighting in Madinah (understood to refer to the battle of al-Harrah during the caliphate of Yazid, 63 AH).
5. The Muslim conquest of Jerusalem.
6. The Muslim conquest of Constantinople.
7. Two large groups of Muslims will fight in war.
8. A war between the Muslims and a reddish people with small eyes, wearing sandals made of hair (understood to refer tothe Mongol Tatar invasion of the Islamic lands.)
9. A peace agreement between the Muslims and non-Muslims from the yellow race (Chinese, Mongols, etc.)
10. Thirty impostors (dajjal) will appear, each thinking he is a prophet.
11. Naked, destitute, barefoot shepherds will compete in building tall buildings.
12. The slave-woman will give birth to her master or mistress.
13. A trial (fitnah) which will enter every Arab household.
14. Knowledge will be taken away (by the death of people of knowledge), and ignorance will prevail.
15. Wine (intoxicants, alcohol) will be drunk in great quantities.
16. Illegal s3x will become widespread.
17. Earthquakes will increase.
18. Time will pass more quickly.
19. Tribulations (fitan) will prevail.
20. Bloodshed will increase.
21. A man will pass by the grave of another and wish he was in the latter’s place.
22. Trustworthiness will be lost, i.e. when authority is given to those who do not deserve it.
23. People will gather for prayer, but will be unable to find an imam to lead them.
24. The number of men will decrease, whilst the number of women will increase, until for every man there are 50 women.
25. The Euphrates will reveal a treasure of gold, and many will die fighting over it, each one hoping to be the one who gains
the treasure.
26. The Romans (Europeans) will come to a place called A’maq or Wabiq, and an army of the best people will go forth from Madinah to face them.
ReplyDelete27. The Muslim conquest of Rome.
28. The Mahdi (guided one) will appear, and be the Imam of the Muslims.
29. Jesus Christ will descend in Damascus, and pray behind the Mahdi.
30. Jesus will break the cross and kill the swine, i.e. destroy the false christianity.
31. The Antichrist (al-masih al-dajjal, the false christ) will appear, with all his tools of deception, and be an immense trial. He will be followed by 70,000 Jews from Isfahan (present-day Iran).
32. The appearance of Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog), and the associated tribulations.
33. The emergence of the Beast from the Earth, carrying the Staff of Moses and the Seal of Solomon, who will speak to the people, telling them they did not believe with certainty in the Divine Signs.
34. A major war between the Muslims (including Jews and Christians who truly believe in Jesus after his return) led by the Imam Mahdi, and the Jews plus other non-Muslims led by the Antichrist.
35. Jesus will kill the Antichrist at the gate of Ludd (Lod in present-day Israel, site of an airport and a major Israeli military base).
36. A time of great peace and serenity during and after the remaining lifetime of Jesus.
37. Wealth will come so abundant that it will become difficult to find someone to accept charity.
38. Arabia will become a land of gardens and rivers.
39. Society will then decay.
40. The buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daws will again sway in circumambulation (tawaf) around the idol Dhul-Khulsah.
41. A great fire in the Hijaz, seen by the inhabitants of Busra.
42. Three major armies will sink into the earth: one in the east, one in the west, one in Arabia.
43. An Abyssinian leader with thin shins will destroy the Ka’bah.
44. The huge cloud of smoke.
45. The sun will rise from the west (its place of setting).
46. A gentle wind which will take the souls of the believers.
47. There is no-one left on the earth saying, "Allah, Allah" or "There is no god except Allah."
48. Eventually the Day of Judgment is established upon the worst of the people, who copulate like donkeys in public.
49. The blowing in the Trumpet by the Angel Israfil, upon which everyone will faint except as Allah wills.
50. The second blowing in the Trumpet, upon which everyone will be resurrected.